30 Day Blog Challenge? I Accept! (again)


Day 19- If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

Two places..

1. New York- I think it would be awesome to live in a city, city. However I’ve known enough people that have lived there to know that it’s an abusive city unless you have money. So I would have to be somewhat wealthy.

2. London- I visited my sister, who lived there when I was in high school, and it was such a cool place. But again it has the same issue as New York but there’s accents so that’s a plus.

I think both places would make me feel alive…something I’ve been trying to feel for a few years now. I also like the idea of mass transit and the feeling of a place that is quite urban but either surrounded by nature or has a piece of nature within it (read Central Park). These places also have a wealth of history which is something I like to be around-I like to feel the history of a place and I just don’t get that in California.

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